bITCurtain has been created by Blupixel IT Srl and is released under the GNU General Public License.
To check it, see

It animate a layer over the image by changing his dimensions on mouse over event and create a curtain effect starting from an html like this:
<div id="yourID">
<a href="yourlink"><img src="yourimage" width="immwidth" height="immheight"/></a>
<a href="yourlink"><img src="yourimage" width="immwidth" height="immheight"/></a>

Read the README in the package for more information on how to use it.

direction: 'right'
direction: 'top'
direction: 'left'
direction: 'bottom'
direction: 'right'
direction: 'top'
direction: 'left'
direction: 'bottom'
direction: 'right'
direction: 'top'
direction: 'left'
direction: 'bottom'
Images from